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While I love a great flow-versation, there are some things I’d like to point as you comment on posts throughout my site. All comments are subject to these terms of use and any commenter in violation of this policy may be banned at my sole discretion.

Before commenting, please also consult the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Full Medical Disclaimer, and Affiliate Disclosure which govern all content on, including anything you post in the comments. Accessing this website or leaving a comment indicates acceptance of these policies.

Guidelines for Comments in the Flow-Asis

Comments that don’t contribute to the conversation, are obviously spam, promotional in nature, or intended for back-link purposes will be deleted and the author banned from future commenting ability.

Use Your Real FIrst Name and Email Address

Do not use a business name, blog name, business website URL, nickname, initials, or any other fake name when commenting. Failure to do so will cause your comment to be marked as spam, deleted, or edited to conform to these guidelines and your comment will NOT be replied to.

If you’re thinking to add your personal blog or business website URL in the comment text, ask yourself if it directly contribute to the post and/or flow-versation taking place. If you’re on the fence, then don’t do it. If you do and it doesn’t comply, then it will be marked as spam and most likely deleted or edited to conform to the guidelines.

This includes using a website name or URL as your signature. Just don’t do it or it’ll be deleted.

We Wanna Understand What You’re Saying

I love that you’re leaving a comment and joining the flow-versation. So, let’s make sure we understand what you’re saying so can flow with you. I get that there are typos, but try your best to use understandable spelling, grammar and punctuation. If it’s too difficult to understand, your comment is at risk for deletion or editing to comply with guidelines.

Asking Questions is a Great Way to Learn

I grew up asking a BUNCH of questions (and still do!) That’s how we learn. If you have a question, I ask that you review any comments just in case your question has already been answered. If it has been and you post the same or similar question, it may not be responded to.

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In accordance with the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, please assume that any comment you post on is being posted publicly. By posting a comment on this website or in associated web forums you are giving Hilton Holistic Health and Wellness LLC the exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, perform, and otherwise use your comment in any way that I see fit.

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  • Relevance: Please keep all comments on topic and relevant to the post being read. Comments that are an obvious attempt at promotional purposes, intended to gain traffic, backlinks, brand exposure, or increased personal site traffic will be deleted and the commenter will be blocked from further interaction. If you leave a comment or question that is unrelated to the post topic, it will likely go unanswered. 
  • Spam: Any comment deemed as spam will be deleted and marked as comment spam. Commenters who repeatedly post spam will be blacklisted from commenting in the future, and their IP address blocked from accessing
  • Liability: All comments within this blog are the responsibility of the individual commenter. By submitting a comment on, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold this site, Hilton Holistic Health and Wellness LLC, and all post authors and commenters harmless.
  • What To Do If Your Comment Does Not Appear: Please be patient. All comments are moderated and are not approved right away. Please do not submit the same comment twice unless you think your original comment was not submitted correctly the first time.

Summary of how a user got here…. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra.

Large Call out

Paragraph with explanation about page/offer, usually addresses pain point. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra non a eros.

Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum quam, sit amet ultricies nisi pellentesque suscipit. Nam sed quam non libero mollis euismod ac ac dolor. Proin cursus eros et sapien tristique blandit. Morbi rutrum metus magna, eu varius lacus fringilla ut. Proin varius nisl nec elementum molestie.

Reinforcing statement with "Benefit of this offer include...."

Call To Action

A quick statement with a clear answer to pain-point.

Summary of how a user got here…. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra.

Large Call out

Paragraph with explanation about page/offer, usually addresses pain point. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra non a eros.

Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum quam, sit amet ultricies nisi pellentesque suscipit. Nam sed quam non libero mollis euismod ac ac dolor. Proin cursus eros et sapien tristique blandit. Morbi rutrum metus magna, eu varius lacus fringilla ut. Proin varius nisl nec elementum molestie.

Showcase the features of your offer here...



You’re listened to and welcomed with non-judgement



You’re guided along in your journey carefully and mindfully

Fashion Woman at Sunset


You’re acknowledged
and respected
As You are

Some assurance for the nervous buyers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra non a eros. Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum quam, sit amet ultricies nisi pellentesque suscipit. Nam sed quam non libero mollis euismod ac ac dolor. Proin cursus eros et sapien tristique blandit. Morbi rutrum metus magna, eu varius lacus fringilla ut. Proin varius nisl nec elementum molestie.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra non a eros. Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum quam, sit amet ultricies nisi pellentesque suscipit. Nam sed quam non libero mollis euismod ac ac dolor. Proin cursus eros et sapien tristique blandit. Morbi rutrum metus magna, eu varius lacus fringilla ut. Proin varius nisl nec elementum molestie.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor rhoncus nisi, pellentesque tincidunt nibh iaculis sed. Suspendisse non nunc quis ligula ullamcorper viverra non a eros. Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum quam, sit amet ultricies nisi pellentesque suscipit. Nam sed quam non libero mollis euismod ac ac dolor. Proin cursus eros et sapien tristique blandit. Morbi rutrum metus magna, eu varius lacus fringilla ut. Proin varius nisl nec elementum molestie.

Final Call To Action

Another statement of assurance, reinforcing how this offer will solve the buyer's pain-points.