Make way for questions to be answered, mysteries to be solved and connections made of what's playing a role in the dynamics of your Relationships. We use the Relationships with others as a way to inform the Relationship with your Self - getting clear on your Core Desires and the direction to go in expressing them.
Observe your Confidence grow as you engage and implement the Tools and Trainings in The Perfect PlayGround Adventure's the Confidence to BE and express your Core Desires in ALL areas of your life - without feeling guilty in doing so
#freetobe and #nojudgmentzone here! There's no competition amongst PlayPals who're also learning how to navigate the dichotomy of desiring to be fully and wholly who they are while honoring the gift of caring for others. We're honoring that each has their own unique journey and way of doing so - and we get to witness, support and cheer each other on as we evolve in the process
Holistic Well-Being Consultant | Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Play-tabulous to meet ya! With a background practicing as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I saw a beautiful connection between the way the Whole Body was giving Signals about how we’re doing in our Relationships with our Self (and with Others!)
I see you: wanting to care and support other people as it’s a true gift you of yours and is meaningful to you. It’s finding out “how” to do that while honoring the needs of our Introverted and Empathic nature.
So, I’m on a mission for you to realize your Care is what’s needed in the World – it’s just HOW it comes out that we personalize for sustainability…using the Whole Body Signals to do so!
So excited to welcome you to The Perfect PlayGround’s