Very Important Play for Leaders

Holistic Authentic Leadership VIP Intensive for guidance in Purpose, Relationships (including Self and Others) or Business

Strategies and recommendations in one (1) concentrated day dedicated of P.L.A.Y. (Potential in Learning About Yourself) tailored to you and your unique Authentic Leadership style using messages of the Whole Body Self for guidance in Purpose, Relationships (including Self and Others) or Business

Heeey, you – the Leader who’s Multi-passionate, Introverted Empath

Build Bridges

How fantastical would it be to Lead in ALL areas of your life – personal and professional – as your Perfect Authentic Self? #nocodeswitching

We’re talkin’ creating some sustainable and fun energy here! 

You have some desires of what you’d like for your life, as if you can see the other side…but there isn’t a bridge there to get there – because there are just so many options out there!

You may be at a crossroads, questioning the direction to take on a particular topic. It could be related to your purpose, relationships, or even business.There are so many options and, guess what, they all work, but what would most work for YOU?

Time for Very Important Play (VIP)

In the Perfect Authentic Leadership Activation VIP (Very Important Play) Intensive, it’s your focused time to go inward (let’s call it a “Time In!”), being radically honest with your desires, so we can begin designing the structures to support those coming to fruition.

Welcome the hesitations and the fears (you’re safe here and it’s a #judgmentfreezone) because their Wisdom is guiding you.

This is your personalized, “come as you are” time where you get to identify a topic you’d like to address related to Purpose, Relationships (including Self and Others) or Business. This topic is something where you might even be thinking, “Geesh, I wish I could just know what to do or where to go!”

And one of the reasons you’ve hesitated on moving forward could be that you:

  • Don’t want anyone telling you it’s not possible – you were planted with this seed of inspiration for a reason
  • Don’t want to be made to feel dependent on someone else for your desires to come to pass – you wanna feel like you’re in control of your choices 
  • Don’t want to be walking around in circles feeling like you’re not going anywhere – you’re ready to move now already
  • Don’t want to feel like what you’re desiring is just too “out there”
  • Don’t want to feel incapable of implementing changes for your desires to come to pass – identifying simple steps to take action on quickly adds to the momentum
  • Don’t want to be more confused – you’re clear on what you’d like for your Self and the direction to go

Well, I’m here to tell you that these answers and directions are WITHIN YOU. You have all you need – including the juice (aka Power) to move forward – already (or all ready, whichever you’d like to see it as!)

Word on the Playground

It just takes some allocated time space with someone who can listen to what’s going on and can connect things in a way that easily reflects it for you, where you get to create the steps that fit for YOU in resonance WITH your Perfect Authentic Self. Matter of fact, you’d begin taking those steps with someone by your side right then and there!

Your VIP Experience

After payment’s been submitted, you’ll get an email to get the ball rollin’ in scheduling your VIP Intensive! Your Perfect Authentic Leadership Activation VIP Intensive includes:


Step 1:
Live Video Call

Bring forth your Purpose, Relationships or Business topic that you’re questioning, your desires, actively analyze what’s going on and what you’ve tried and then create some solutions (including actively taking steps on it!)

(Up to Three (3) Hour Video Call)


Step 2:
Keep Going

Ask questions for insight as you’re continuing to implement what you chose from the Intensive Day

(Seven (7) Days Support via Private Portal, which allows for audio and text)


Step 3:
Celebrate You!

Woot woot - it’s a wrap! We Celebrate you and your progress and to explore what other tools you may desire for support to keep the momentum going

(Up to 30 Minutes Live Video Call)

It's Just the Beginning

When you come out of your Time-In at the end of your Activation VIP Day, you are:

You realize this is personal journey that requires personalization and people that see you for you, cheer you on and even support you in continuing to Discover (and Be!) your Perfect Authentic Self – as you’re Being in Your Purpose.

Fee For Your VIP Intensive

$ 2,500 (or $1,250 deposit to get started)**
  • Live Video Consultation + Strategy Call
  • Seven (7) Days Support for Integration
  • Celebration + Next Steps Call

I'm De'Nicea Hilton Harper

Meet Your Hostess with the Mostest

Heya – what a pleasure to meet you and thank you so much for considering me to join you in activating some quick changes in your life.

One of the big things I learned with a history in practicing as a Doctor of Eastern Medicine is that there are messages coming from the way the Whole Body presents itself – offering insights into who you are as your Authentic Self. And from there, I could see people had desires for themselves but may not have thought it was possible or even what kind of internal and external Environments could support them.

On The Perfect PlayGround, it’s a safe, #judgementfreezone for your inner desires to come out and where we call in and use all aspects of you – Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically – to create your unique pathway for your desires to come to life. Where you see that in ALL areas of your life, you can be your Perfect Authentic Self – with Clarity, Confidence and Compassion.

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You may have questions…and I’ve got answers


First, love that you’re making sure this is a fit for you! The VIP Intensive is for the type of person who has the thoughts of, “I just want to sit and focus on this with someone right now.” You may have been piece-mealing it together or want to revamp/refresh things and it could feel a little slow…and you know you could get a lot more “done” if you just had the space to freely speak, brainstorm, strategize and get a plan together (because if you keep it real, you know you can be a bit everywhere yet can really get things done in spurts.)

And you’re comfortable with knowing there’s some time structure and yet there’s free flow that happens, which is where the magic happens: ideas, desires and more come up. While there’s the day-of time together, you’re cool with knowing you don’t have to have it all done in one go. 

There’s time to implement, ask questions and get feed-forward during the one (1) week support in the private portal; and which honors the varying times it takes for people to integrate new material and changes.

Nope, you don’t! This intensive is designed to really hone in on creating next steps for what you come in for, leaving room for me to explore what’s been going on and for you to declare what you’d like to experience in your life instead. This allows for going back and forth, speaking aloud, brainstorming, strategizing and more.

Some can do it faster than others and some longer. Neither is better. It’s being present in the process and we use the 3 hours as a structure for the flow that happens.

This is exactly what the one (1) week support in a private portal is for!

The Intensive is meant to be a starting point and while you’ll already be starting on taking inspir-action steps on the call, you’ll learn more and more than likely need to make adjustments. Or, heck, just might want a pep talk! Just send over a message and I’ll get back with you.

Because you’re interconnected, you can begin with one area and you’ll find that other areas will naturally come up. So see what is catching your attention the most right now and go for that, then we’ll allow any other aspects to come up as they wish.

You’ll see common themes come up, such as boundaries, imposter syndrome, resiliency, burn-out, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, hormone disharmonies, expressing oneself, time management, productivity, overthinking, feeling stretched thin, and grief.

This tends to affect all sorts of Relationships that you lead in:

Self → self-talk, sabotage, criticism

At home → partners, children, parents

In business → business models and infrastructure, teams, clients/customers

Socially → friends, community/civic groups

So your VIP Intensive could look like:

  • Gaining a wider and deeper meaning behind symptoms and conditions to get recommendations
  • Exploring types of business models where you feel free to be who you are while still offering your services with sustainability and enjoyment
  • Identifying ways that you can create more purpose and meaning in your life
  • Being in a place with someone that’s listening to what your big desires and dreams are then strategizing on positioning yourself (from a holistic perspective) for it to happen


So you can see, there’s a lot involved in Being You! Just bring what’s got your attention and we’ll get you started.

Not really. The way I present insight and recommendations is that you get to explore and understand there are oftentimes much more influencing your holistic health than what meets the eye. 

This is for someone who’s willing to explore those aspects, seeking the tools for sustainably and understanding their body from a different perspective.

So while sometimes labs, supplements and food therapy MAY come up, it’s not the focus. We’re making room to possibly address lifestyle, generational influences, traumatic experiences and others so there’s a holistic approach.


  • Have your one topic that’ll serve as the entry point for our time together.
  • Check your internet connection beforehand
  • Log into your portal and click to begin the session for your appointment time
  • Be in a spot where ideally using a computer or laptop, so your hands are free to take notes, if you’re a note-taker 
  • Have a notebook and colored pens handy: you’ll actively start working on the steps that come up or maybe even an activity
  • Have water (with a pinch of sea salt) and some snacks – or even if you wanna eat a meal
  • Dress comfortably allowing the internal body to flow, as well. We can take breaks as they come up, too!

Totally up to you! Some don’t want a recording, while others do. You’ll be asked if you’d like to record it and if so, then you got it.

Although the VIP Intensive answered your questions, provided strategies and recommendations, you’re a sovereign Being, meaning it’s always up to you to take what we reviewed and do something about it IF it feels right to you.

I’m here as your consultant. Ultimately, this is your journey and you’ve got choices in this vast field of Potential and Possibilities!

Review the insights, tools and tips we discussed. Implement consistently – whatever that means for you. Observe what happens. Alter as needed.

Consult with me for continued accountability and support…you’ve got the chat messaging available for seven (7) days after the call.

Also, there’s the option to join the Perfect Authentic Leadership MasterBeing for longer term support, building upon what we’ve already got going!

So glad you’re thinking this way! The Perfect Authentic Leadership MasterBeing may be right up your alley, where there’s more consistent consulting in a one-to-one with a small group format. This means you’re still getting personalized attention, recommendations and support from me, as well as an intimate group of cheerleaders and confidantes.

There’s even a dynamic and growing Toolkit (which adjusts based on needs of the group) available with a variety of PlaySheets and trainings to support:

  • Creating awareness of the messages of the Whole Body
  • Navigating the speed bumps and gremlins that may come out as you actually implement the strategies
  • Creating internal and external Environments to support your Authentic Self as it expresses itself

Everyone is in their own Journey, yet connected in the desire to discover (and be!) who they are authentically in all areas of their life – and they want the support of a guide and community to ride the journey out with them!

Tools (including those in the ToolKit) will vary! There may be ideas of visualizations, meditations, foods, exercises, books, references or even tests, modalities, if herbs, supplements or others that’lll help. There are a bunch of tools out there…I’ll present what may be most applicable at that time based on where you’re at. This is not to be confused with an official diagnosis or treatment of anything. (See medical disclaimer below.)

We can begin the conversation with whatever you’d like in our time together. We’ll cover as much as we can and that’s allowed during that time. You’ve been living years and coming in with a lot of life experience – so we can’t expect to unload everything in this short time. (There’s always opportunity to schedule more private consultations or use the chat to speak with me in between live calls – you’ve got options, boo!)

As you evolve and apply what we review, things change and other experiences catch your attention. The Discovery (and Being!) of your Perfect Authentic Self is a continuous process. (Heck, you’ll even be a different person from the beginning of your consultation than in the end!) 

The direction you’re going in is to bring your Spirit, Mind and Body together for your Perfect Authentic Self’s Expression – in Integration.

Maybe and maybe not. It depends on what comes up from the conversation as it unfolds, including questions you have, updates on changes as you’ve been implementing recommendations. 

Remember, the symptoms or signs you’re experiencing from either of these realms are simply messages. Messages from your Perfect Authentic Self calling your attention. One form may be stronger than another in different people and at different times. Let’s just say your Perfect Authentic Self will use whatever means to get your attention and this is where we’ll be open to learning from that message.

Heck yeah! I get that it may not be possible to make the full payment at once. You can hold your spot with a 50% deposit and then pay the remaining balance 14 days before your scheduled day. If you can’t make the final payment by then, you can reschedule once.

Great question! My role as your Holistic Authentic Leadership Consultant is to:

  • Be present and welcome you AS YOU ARE in a compassionate, safe and non-judgmental space
  • Encourage you to shift and evolve by not allowing you to stay where you are (you came for guidance after all!) while honoring time and receptivity
  • Offer different perspectives in what you’re experiencing in your life to facilitate your personal growth
  • Strategize on techniques and tactics you can implement in your daily life practice that support your Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health Journey
  • Encourage and support you in your evolution by mirroring growth and expansion so you can celebrate and appreciate your journey

Woot woot – this is gonna be awesome…congratulations on making this choice and thank you for allowing me to join you in this phase of your Authentic Leadership Journey! Excited to explore the possibilities and potential for you – when you see you can just be You.

Here are your steps:

  1. Submit your payment – choose to pay in full or paying a 50% deposit (with remaining balance due 14 days before schedule VIP Intensive day.).
  2. Check your email – I’ll reach out to you using the email you used in payment to schedule your VIP Intensive Day
  3. Add to Calendar and Be Ready! – You’ll get the appointment notice to add to your calendar and link to join online for that day!

Medical Disclaimer: Information provided is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information provided in this email for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this email or received in consultation. Information provided and the use of any products or services related by this email or in consultation by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and De’Nicea Hilton, DOM, AP. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Your Very Important Play is Here

Click below to officially get started in your Perfect Authentic Leadership VIP Intensive. I'm ready to welcome you and guide you along in connecting the dots in realizing your Authentic Leadership - guided by messages of your Whole Body Self.

* Prices subject to change at any time without notice.