Love Notes for You!

Get Love Notes specially delivered to your email crafted to put Holistic Health and Authentic Leadership together!

Email’s serious business these days, isn’t it? And, I totally get it!
I use it to hear from peeps that intrigue me or may have some goods for me to consider joining or buying. (I’m a Learner at heart!) Perhaps even a community or future events I could go to.
Whatever it is, I LOVE seeing their emails come in because I may miss whatever it is on social media (algorithms, eh…) yet I feel “in the know” and with perks just by being on their email list.
What’s really cool is that I feel closer to them in a way because they’re sharing more “privately” behind email doors stories and insights that aren’t public on social media – which totally resonates with me!
With all of this in mind, I’ve chosen to think of those on my email list as a Community (PlayPals, to be specific)…and that it’s a precious honor to be welcomed into your inbox! I hold that as sacred space over here…

Curious about the Connections of Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health?

Welllll, it’s pretty exciting stuff, I tell ya! Something I saw as I was practicing as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine: there was a connection to what was showing up as symptoms that correlated to how well they were Leading Authentically in their life.
And a great, big, huge observation that I noticed was just how much people were hurting by not knowing or believing they’re Perfect. 😒
Yeap, I said it! In case you didn’t know, the root meaning of Perfect is Whole and Complete.
This is why you’ll see that I’ll show you the connections of the various aspects involved: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical and Environment (internally and externally.)
When we aren’t aware or refusing to acknowledge these, then we’re ultimately denying aspects of ourselves – womp womp! And this is where those unwanted discomforts start speaking to us (you know, things like pain, hormone disharmonies, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, sleep disturbances and more.)
Let’s Get W.I.T.T.Y.! 🥰️
So it’s my intention to share: Wisdom, Insight, Tips and Tools (Yay!) to facilitate the journey of using the messages of the Whole Body Self to learn what internal and external Environments can support you in Leading Authentically in ALL areas of your Life!
I know we’re getting acquainted here (and you’ve got a choice to make), so here’s a few things to let you know what’s going on in the Perfect PlayGround Email Community

"The Medicine is in the Life."

- Dr. John H.F. Shen

TheTrinity of Perfect(ion)

As you come into your Wholeness and Completeness – your Perfect(ion), there are three primary components that you’ll go through. Rest easy, they aren’t in any particular order. Actually, they operate simultaneously. You’ll see that every thing shared with you encourages you to be aware of where you are in the process and what you’re responding to.



Using the symptoms and sensations of the Whole Body Self (Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically) for the messages of wisdom + insight letting you know about who you are at your Core



Explore concepts that shift perceptions, as well as, tools and activities that’ll get you to actually practice Being who you’re learning you are authentically (because you refine by doing!)



Become familiar with a variety of tools that you can integrate in your life to create the Internal and External Environments that support your Perfect Authentic Self (which also optimized your Holistic Health!)

I think of the Discovery and Being as cyclical with a bit of each one within the other – similar to the Yin and Yang symbol. As you Discover, you’ll Be…and as you Be, you’ll Discover.

Becoming familiar with the Environments allows you to see your Whole Body Self is in response. This means, it changes as the Environment changes. So if you’re feeling something that you’re like “oh yes!” or “nuh-huh, not for me,” the Whole Body Self is sending you messages about how you’re relating to what’s in your Environment (whether internally or externally.)

This is where you’ll get to become active in creating the Environments that support your desired Being – as your Perfect Authentic Self!

Are We Pals?

PlayPals, that is! I see this Community filled with people where we Connect on this Core Beliefs:

  • We can be who are we Leading Authentically in all areas of our lives (even if we’re still figuring that out!)

  • We can experience Rich Relationships that’re all the more meaningful as we BE who we are Authentically

  • We can leave a legacy where people remember us for how we made a difference – Being of service from a whole place (so it’s sustainable!)

  • We can build communities (whether at home in business or in social groups) where others’ dreams, desires, gifts and talents are brought to the surface and nurtured

As long as you believe this for yourself, I’m here to support you in navigating it and figuring out what’s your unique Perfect Authentic Leadership Style in doing so!

Perks of Joining

By being a part of The Perfect PlayGround Email Community, you’ll get:

  • Emails throughout the week (3-ish as of right now) so those W.I.T.T.Y. Love Notes are spread out and not too much at one time with Wisdom, Insight, Tips and Tools (including events)

    *NOTE: These are uber-special because I’m a bit more of a private person 🤫 and open up more in Community, which in this case is via email.
  • Advance notice of products and services with special community pricing so you can jump right in before the general public
  • Invitations to Email Community-only PlayDates where we can meet one another “live” and perhaps you may have some questions or comments about what’s in the emails that you’d like some insight on
  • Opportunities to influence teachings, products and services at the Perfect PlayGround by sharing what you’re liking to get direction in, so I may see what Tools to provide to support you (The Perfect PlayGround is a living, breathing space after all!)

What Happens After You Join?

It’s all easy-peasy!
Be sure to use an email that you check regularly. You’ll receive an automatic confirmation. Check your inbox for it. If it’s not there, then check your Spam or Junk folder and mark it “Safe.” While you’re at it, please add me as a contact (we’re PlayPals after all!)
After that, you’ll receive a few emails spread out over days as a proper “Welcome to the Perfect PlayGround” to get ya acquainted.
These contain opportunities for us to get to know each other and present some options where you can jump into right now for your Authentic Leadership + Holistic Health pleasure (both free and paid!)
Did you know?
Opening the emails lets the email providers know you’re keen to receiving the Love Notes…and then feel free to click and explore whatever’s calling you! It all works in your favor.

What (also) Happens After You Join?

Here’s what’s possible for you as you shift your way of thinking and believing about your Holistic Health and Authentic Leadership as you open and engage in The Perfect PlayGround Email Community


Develop richer and more meaningful relationships - with your Self and others - full of Clarity, Confidence, Courage and Compassion


Become aware of, trust and honor that your Perfect Authentic Self comes more alive as you unplug from outside of you...and power from within (true Empowerment)


Realize the ability to respond to and navigate life comes with Ease and Grace - lead by your Perfect Authentic Leadership Style

De'Nicea Here!

Authentic Leadership and Holistic Well-Being Consultant

Play-tabulous to meet ya! With a background practicing as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I saw a beautiful connection between the way symptoms and conditions were showing up and the Authentic expression of how someone was leading in their life.

I’m on a mission for others to see there’s nothing “wrong” or gotta be “fixed” with you having multiple passions, being Introverted or even an Empath. Your Authentic Self is just wanting to express itself in the way you’re navigating Relationships – with your Self and others – and the body’s simply showing you what your unique style is.

So I get to welcome you to Playful, safe and #judgementfreezone spaces for you to get the Wisdom, Insight and Strategies in creating the internal and external Environments that support you to Discover (and Be!) your Perfect Authentic Self – so you can Authentically Lead in ALL areas of your Life with Clarity, Confidence and Compassion.

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So excited to welcome you to The Perfect PlayGround’s

Email Community

Thank you for choosing to join! After you sign up, please check that you receive an email confirmation and that you check out the series of emails comin’ your way to properly welcome you.

They’ll get you oriented to what’s on the PlayGround AND the chance to let me know more about you and what I may be able to put together (if it’s not already available!) to support you in your journey of using the messages of the Whole Body Self to Discover (and Be!) your Perfect Authentic Self – so you may Lead Authentically in ALL areas of your Life.

(Bonus: And becoming aware of and creating the internal and external Environments that’ll support you along the way!)

See Ya on the PlayGround!