Perfect Giving Days

Donate to a non-profit and receive PlayDough eCertificate to use on Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health products and services for The Perfect PlayGround

Donate minimum of $10 in Time, Talent or Treasure to an organization of your choice and receive $10 in PlayDough Credit.

Next Perfect Giving Days: Friday, August 16 to Monday, August 19, 2024

It's National Non-Profit Day August 17, 2024!

You’ve got such a giving Heart (and the World needs that!) So let’s do it in a way that just by you giving, you receive!

Perfect Giving Days are select random days where when you make a donation to a non-profit organization of your choice, you’ll receive PlayDough that you can spend on select products and services sold at The Perfect PlayGround.

How It Works

You’re in for the Perfect Giving – sweet! It’s super easy to participate.

Perfect Giving for PlayDough in 5 Easy Steps

1. Choose the organization you’d like to give Time, Talent or Treasure* to. Get some inspiration or explore organizations that may resonate with your values and beliefs below.

2, Make your minimum donation of Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimony or Ties.

3. Fill out the form submitting proof of your donation.

4. Go shopping and fill in redemption form to get your coupon code to purchase!

5. Bask in the ambience of evolving in your Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health – just from you giving!

Bonus! Share Perfect Giving Days to family, friends, colleagues and others. We get to watch our Collective grow!

*Why Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimonial or Ties?

There’s 2 sides to this:

On one hand, non-profit organizations require a lot of support to deliver their mission, and that can come in the form of financially, volunteering of time (where you can share your talent, gifts or skills) or even physical items.

On the other hand, people have an innate desire to give. It’s like the natural calling to support your community. While some places only encourage and celebrate financial giving, I wanted to incorporate something that put it all on an even playing field. 

Doing this also opens a pathway for those who would like to get support for their own life from The Perfect PlayGround but money may be a barrier. We all have gifts that can be shared in our own way and it still adds value to the growth of the Collective.

Perfect Giving Days

Why Perfect Giving Days?

These were created because I would hear from women how they’re Givers and would give and give almost to their detriment. And the thing is that she actually LOVES supporting others.

I thought, “hmm…what’s something that she can give AND directly receive to see that she can support herself, too?” That’s where the idea of offering PlayDough in Perfect Giving Days came from!

It’s Perfect Giving Days because “Perfect” means Whole and Complete – so this represents a complete circle of giving and receiving.

Another reason is that I just find it fascinating and so beautiful to hear about non-profit organizations and their missions to change the landscape for people, animals, the World. So much beautiful work is happening! And, while I may not be able to give directly myself to these organizations, I could bring their mission in front of others and even be supported in the form of donations of Time, Talent and Treasure.

What Comes Easy to You...

Those talents, skills and gifts that come so easy to you is just what Non-Profit Organizations could use! Here a few options you can check out. These are especially perfect for people who can commit to projects based on time.

Here’s some inspiration for organizations to give to

You’re more than welcome to donate to whatever organization you’d like to give to for Perfect Giving Days! Here’s a growing list of organizations that have been submitted to be listed. The intention here is to introduce you to organizations that may be serving a mission that resonates with you. So have a gander!

*Have an organization to submit? You can do that here.

Organizations List

Here's a compiled list of non-profit organizations for your consideration if you're looking for inspiration for your giving!

Catch A Fire

Virtual volunteers may explore projects on marketing, technology, finance, human resources and more.

Taproot Foundation

Connecting nonprofits and other social change organizations with skilled volunteers through pro bono service/

Quick Links


Submit for PlayDough

Use this form to submit your proof of donation of Time, Talent or Treasure for PlayDough.


Redeem Your PlayDough

Use this form to redeem your PlayDough and get any discount codes to apply to your purchase of products and services.


Get a heads up

Join the PlayGround Email Community and get advance notice of Perfect Giving Days.

What’s The Perfect PlayGround?

And the types of products and services available

In case you’re newer here – heeeeeey! The Perfect PlayGround is an online sanctuary and “training ground” for women who’re on a journey of Discovering (and Being!) her Perfect Authentic Self. We play at the intersection of Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health – so get ready to learn the messages coming from the Whole Body Self offering its wisdom and insight guiding you in your journey.

Using playful experiences, expect shifts in your Perspective that opens pathways of Potential and Possibility to authentically lead in your life oooozing confidence, comfort and compassion!

Playful experiences include PlayShops, MasterBeing Group, VIP Intensives, UnSlumber Parties, and more!

What is PlayDough?

You’ve got such a giving Heart (and the World needs that!) So let’s do it in a way that just by you giving, you’ll receive!


PlayDough is similar to a gift certificate that can be used at The Perfect PlayGround on select Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health products and services. (For each product and service, you’ll see a notice if PlayDough can be used for it.)

General Information, Terms and FAQ’s

You’ll receive email confirmation on Monday, Tuesday or Friday after submission.

You’ll see a button that takes you directly to a form asking you for which product and/or service you’d like to use your certificate on and how much of the certificate you’d like to use. Please use the same email that you used when you earned your PlayDough Credit.

You have 90 days after email confirmation of PlayDough earned to redeem for select Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health products and services.

PlayDough is non-transferable. However, you can donate your PlayDough credit to the scholarship pool, which is a pool to provide access to Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health products and services to someone who may be experiencing a financial barrier.

No, you do not have to use all of your certificate at the same time. Any remaining credit still expires 90 days from the original allocation date.

You’ll receive an email reminder with any available amount you have 30 days before expiration.

As you shop, you’ll see a notice on any products and services that you may use your PlayDough for.

No, PlayDough can not be used on any previously purchased products or services retroactively.

No, PlayDough can not be used on existing payment plans.

No, PlayDough is non-refundable.

Yes, you can use your PlayDough in combination with sales or discounts.

*Full terms and conditions available here

Rollin' in the Money

Thank you for choosing The Perfect PlayGround to support you in your Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health journey.