How to Improve Fertility with Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Envisioning the tears of joy… The tears that are from seeing the manifestation of your efforts. It’s been some time where you focused on yourself, understanding your health and well-being […]
Surprising (and Most Welcome) Thing That Happened While Speaking at a Teen Health Fair
As a Health & Leadership Speaker, it’s common for me to walk away from the stage/front of the room or whoever wondering, “Did what I just say make an impact?” […]
The Other Side of World Contraception Day in Reproductive and Sex Education
In light of World Contraception Day, I’ve got some things on my heart that I’d like to share with all of those who are educating about contraception and its benefits. […]
Your Menstrual Cycle Symptoms Are Messages From You
As your Menstrual Cycle was introduced to you, what were you told? I’ll give you a few seconds… Got it? Ok, good. From what I hear, most are told to […]
What Does “Holistic” In Menstrual Health Really Mean?
People go looking for holistic approach, thinking that it means natural, but does it really? Are you actually really ready to take on a holistic approach when you’re in your […]